Arc Words: "Avenge him" not only for Queen Gorgo, but for both Xerxes and Artemisia as well.

Anachronism Stew: Among other things, almost every Persian foot soldier in the film seems to be armed with a Khopesh, a Canaanite and Egyptian design that had been retired from service for about 1000 years by that point.Naturally, he seems to be convinced of the latter. Whether these scenes are meant to be taken as a mere religious ceremony to inculcate him a new mindset or as a sign that he has really become a supernatural being (essentially a Goa'uld) remains unknown. Ambiguous Situation: The film shows flashbacks of Xerxes being subject to mystic rituals and Crossing the Desert before becoming the god-king.Aloof Dark-Haired Girl: Both Gorgo and Artemisia, though aloof is a pretty tame word to describe the latter.All Just a Dream: After Themistocles falls deep under water after his ship was destroyed, he sees large, monstrous sea creatures killing and devouring several Athenians (with one then lunging towards him).She offers this to Themistocles, but he denies her. All Amazons Want Hercules: Artemisia spends much of the film searching for "someone to stand at my side".It is a subversion, however, abecause while there is presumably a substantial age difference between both scenes, the cut is used to underline Xerxes's mental growth rather than physical (although he does seem to be taller after the transformation). Age Cut: In the flashback of his transformation, Xerxes comes from being a young bearded man to his older god-king persona.Adaptational Badass: The Persian Emissary personally trained Artemisia in combat, something that was never hinted in the comics.Adaptational Angst Upgrade: Pretty much everyone, but most notably Artemisia.She could give Queen Cersei some pointers. Lena Headey reprises her role as Queen Gorgo.Queen Artemisia, the commander of the Persian navy, was once Queen of Jerusalem.